An Elegant December For Architecture & Interior Design

Colours of December, the epitome of nature and holiday spirit, blend seamlessly into every room, creating an ambiance of merriment and elegance all year long. Le Corbusier’s Architectural Polychromy constructs the very essence of what this mirthful season brings into our lives.

The versatility of Le Corbusier’s Whites and other muted neutrals…

White and other muted neutrals… we explore the ways in which we allow whites to shine, achieve warmth, as well as being cool and contemporary. Classical whites and timeless muted neutrals continue to be colours (or non-colours) of choice for architects and designers alike.

Colour Philosophy in Architecture and Design – Grey (All about the Grey Scale) - Part III

Im letzten Teil unserer Trilogie zu Grau gehen wir auf die Graustufen ein und wie man Le Corbusiers sieben Grautöne in einer Standardformel der Grauskala anordnen würde. Ausserdem wir vergleichen eines von Le Corbusiers Bildern eines Innenraums und interpretieren es auf der Grauskala.